Plus changes coming to NC, the piebald deer that didn't get away, Dairyland elk and much more.
Plus Grand Teton is making cuts, a deer rescued with a Snuggie, tag counterfeiter busted and the first elk in Giles County hits the ground.
Plus Wisconsin's elk hunters tag out, no turkey in Kansas, bears in cars and Wisconsin's opening weekend a bust R
Plus everyone gets a meal, here snakey, snakey, CWD in the Yellowstone and elk traffic jams.
Plus Michigan is bringing guuns and hunting to schools, the 11-year-old Grand Slam, a pair of poached bulls and the Arizona woman that was trampled
Plus Texas bears on the rebound, Texas Booners, moving moose and Japan's need for bear hunters. R
Plus hunting the crowded western states, Blue Ridge shutdown, fish stuffer gets nailed for poaching deer and a taste of doggie social justice.
Plus who eats your guts? all dogs go to heaven, rare cactus buck and the hungry deer who crashed lunch at a local diner.
Plus the kids are alright, NC hunter finds missing girl, a tragic accident in Iowa and another poacher getting theirs.
Plus Kentucky is honored for their elk program, Ontario man's massive gamble, Mississippi is giving away deer and tracking mulies.
Plus no peace in the garden, fat shaming bears, collared deer and more poached elk
Plus beheaded elk in Utah. civilian rescures, bulls killing cows and a doe with an 18-point rack.