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  • Colorado Man Shoots Aggressive Deer After It Attacks his Pregnant Daughter

Colorado Man Shoots Aggressive Deer After It Attacks his Pregnant Daughter

The peace of a Friday night cookout with family members was abruptly interrupted when one overly aggressive deer jumped the fence into one family’s yard and proceeded to raise hell.

According to a release from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, officials responded to an incident that took place last Friday evening just outside of Colorado Springs that included a female deer, a couple of dogs and one pregnant young lady.

Jumping the fence into the pregnant woman’s backyard, the doe proceeded to take after her two dogs. Flailing at the dogs and attempting to stomp them, the pregnant woman stepped in between the deer and her dogs in an attempt to scare the deer away.  It was at this moment that the deer then turned her attention to the pregnant woman and “reared up on its hind legs” to charge her.

Unbeknownst to the attacking deer, the woman’s father had a different (and more effective) method of attack. Loading his shotgun with a number of rubber buckshot that he had previously received to scare off black bears, he began firing at the raging deer.

Despite landing a few shots to the animal’s torso, she showed no signs of slowing down, leaving her father no choice but to use something a little heavier.

“The deer ignored the shots, continuing to charge toward the woman as she tried to get away,” CPW officials said, “so her father shot and killed the deer.”

Although it is unclear how many rubber rounds were used or what kind of ammunition to kill the deer, Colorado officials launched an investigation into the incident and ruled the killing as an act of self defense.

Officials also located a fawn nearby, which is believed to be the inciting incident in the unusual attack. The fawn has since been taken to a local wildlife rehabilitation center.

“Deer, elk and moose can become aggressive in the late spring and early summer when their young are first born and defenseless,” CPW wildlife manager Tim Kroenig said of the incident. “The majority of aggressive behavior from these animals in some way involves a dog, who they see as a predator and threat to their young.”

Colorado officials are reminding the public to be wildlife aware as stories like this one containing over-protective deer and elk continue to be very common during this time of year.